Friday, March 9, 2007

Adding sound sounds like Fun!

Sound can be an integral part of learning, but for a good yoga class it is essential.

According to yoga tradition, every yoga class should include the sound of mantra and/or any meditation would be more relaxing and effective if it is accompanied by chanting a simple word or phrase. The idea is to include all of your senses in unison, so as to simultaneously harmonize your attention to the present moment and that way give you the experience of relaxation. In a nutshell, the moment you are present, all your senses are attentive to the present moment, your mind will relax and calm.

Most of the time at the end of a class, the yoga instructor will play the gong... Nothing like the smashing sound of Westernized Chinese movies, rather the gong is played with a rhythmic soothing vibration song that permeates the whole room where the class is held. The gong is not only listened by your ears but the vibration is perceived within you. As part of my training, I was taught how to play the gong and it would be wonderful if I can include that at the end of this online lesson I am preparing.

Adding sound some type of sound, mantra, gong, or music, to my instructional project is unavoidable and should be fun! What to choose that is most effective online is what is tricky. Just this past weekend I received a guided meditation over email. Lately, I have been researching resources and trying everything I come accross which might potentially be included in my instructional final project. After trying it, I decided I might not use it after all. I wanted to include it here just to share some cool stuff in return of all the video and ideas you have been sharing too.


Joy Gayler said...

Your IMU sounds so interesting - I can't wait to experience it! It seems like it would lend itself to using sound to help guide the user?? I'm looking forward to it!

Natalie Milman said...

What to choose that is most effective online is what is tricky. It can be tricky since we all have different styles of learning - however, I can definitely see places, particularly with certain populations where sound would benefit.