Thursday, March 1, 2007

Beyond the Class Blog

As I am falling in love with this application of blogs as a class collaboration tool, I find it is already obsolete. I've just been introduced to Ning... which is like MySpace for ad hoc social networks. Something like MySpace could never be a valid tool for teaching, but the collection of tools that make up "social networking," which include blogging, are certianly more powerful than blogging alone. In that, I see much appeal in this service. Check out the video if you are interested.


Joy Gayler said...

Very cool!! From the video, it reminds me a bit of, from Six-Apart, Inc., the makers of Typepad and Moveable Type. I'm going to give Ning a spin and try it out.

Natalie Milman said...

Do you us using this instructionally - or at least exploring it? It could be interesting to use in EDUC 268...or not!